Social Media Manager School partners with like-minded organizations relevant to the social media industry so that we can provide our students with tool recommendations and occasionally coupon codes as well! Check out the list below for our current partners.

Social Media Manager School partnered with Agoraulse after 7 years of recommending and using the tool personally. Now the School is completely powered by Agorapulse and all annual Agorapulse subscribers receive full-access to Social Media Manager School at no cost. So, if you’re looking for a social media management tool, look no further.
Go to

Social Media Manager School uses Autopilot for all emails, campaigns, funnels, and automations. We are happy to recommend this workhorse of a system that’s super easy to use and fairly priced.
Go to is a white label review management platform. Provide a white label managed service to help your social media clients generate online reviews on the sites important to them. Monitor online reviews so they know what’s being said about them. And automatically share their best reviews on their own website. offers a 14 day free trial and paying Social Media Manager School students can receive a 10% off discount. If you are paying Social Media Manager School for your membership, please reach out to us for your coupon code.
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We’ve partnered with Jooble as they’re the #1 search engine designed specifically for the job search that enables you to search jobs on the major job boards and career sites across the United States all in one place. It’s easier than ever to find the perfect job fit to advance your social media career on Jooble.